Gaby Molina, Owner & Newborn Care Specialist

I came to America in 2000 trying to find better opportunities for myself. In 2002 I started working in the restaurant business but quickly changed to working with kids/babies in 2003. I worked for the same family until the babies grew up and I wasn’t needed anymore.

Once I had a baby of my own I had the opportunity to work as a newborn care specialist. Thankfully to the founder of the company I was taught the best training and found a passion for what I truly love, which is taking care of babies. I worked for this company for about nine years gaining the best experience. Throughout my nine years of working there I met amazing families who trusted me with their precious babies and thanks to them I was able to grow and make my own company.

As everything has to come to an end I decided to open my own company dedicated to the best baby night time care. Working several years in the field I wanted to give myself the responsibility to do this on my own. I was also excited to teach others my training while finding individuals who also have a passion for working with babies. Then wahlah! I present the best baby night-time care team who just like me have the same love and passion for their little angels.

Although I had plenty of experience I still wanted to learn more, so I decided to take courses at a newborn care academy, where I am always learning new things. The courses included newborn care, sleeping training, baby massages, and the basics of breastfeeding. I know this is a never ending learning process and thanks to the courses I took I can do my job better and teach my employees the best possible way to care for newborn babies while also helping mothers through this process.

Contact Gaby:
(469) 358-4087